Discovering the stars

In this trip we visited many observatories, and astrology related museums, buildings, not only that we were able to see them for ourselves, for example during our time at the grand canyon, across the vibrant night sky, we were able to many constellations, our guide, pointed out all the ones we could see, and name dropped many of them as we laid on the cold chilly grass looking at the stars above, and as a surprise we also saw the milky way, at its full glory, under the sky full of stars our director began his “class”he told us tales of the constellations, how he was able to get the status he has now, and even as we were looking at the stars, we saw a giant white streak of light with a luminescent head shoot across the sky slowly, was the director turned to look at it he was able to point out that it was one of Elon Musk’s satellites taking off and it was the second part of the rocket, the fuel tank that was dropped off after leaving the atmosphere. But this was not the only time we would see Elon’s satellites, or space exploration systems, because on the last day of our trip we went to JPL (NASA) the place where they make them, and it was usually not allowed to enter for foreign visitors, but with the fact that the director use to work here, and was a member of their team on making the curiosity rover, we were easily allowed in, there we saw some amazing machines at work, the work space where they worked etc.  

Traversing the land

As we left the top of the grand canyon, we took the bus to go to the other side of the canyon, as we got closer I saw that we were going to the infamous antelope canyon, and after visiting it was started heading for a not so famous landmark, the VLA (very large array) this is a combination of 27 antennas in the american desert, not far from phoenix, then we flew all the way to los angeles to see the amazing work of man, the Getty, an art museum, with some of the most famous art works in history on display.


This trip was actually my first time on American soil, and the first time travelling without my family, this is truly one of the most amazing experiences that I’ll never forget.

國際1001 陳建里

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