明道閱讀月-六字微故事 挑戰賽

本競賽概念源自美國作家海明威先生: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”


This competition is inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s famous challenge and the first six word story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” It was said that Ernest Hemingway told his colleagues that he could make them cry with a story in only 6 words.

The goal of this competition is to encourage students to take on the challenge that using only 6 words to map out a whole story, which will be shared on the web, allowing more students to be inspired by others’ work and to create theirs.

投稿規則How to do it?

  1. 只用六個英文字來寫出完整故事。Write a whole story in just six words.
  2. 自選主題。You can write anything you choose.
  3. 僅限原創,嚴禁抄襲。Created by yourself only. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
  4. 將故事具名分享至Padlet。Post your story on Padlet.

參加對象 Who can join?

  1. 教師組 Teachers
  2. 學生組 Students

獎勵方式 Awards

  1. 最佳人氣獎:將依照按讚數取錄取前3名,將依實際情況斟酌增額。The Most Popular
  2. 最佳內容獎:將由專業英文老師評選出前3名。The Best Story

參考範例 Examples

  • Sorry soldier, shoes sold in pairs.
  • “Wrong number,” says a familiar voice.
  • Logged out. Pulled plug. Found life.

投稿說明Instruction: (點選此網址 https://bit.ly/mdsixwordstories 或者至下方點選『+』投稿)

  1. 寫下故事內容,作品通過初步審查後自動貼出。禁止人身攻擊與其他不適當之內容。
  2. 在第二欄位寫下學號、班級、姓名。

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