本競賽概念源自美國作家海明威先生: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
This competition is inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s famous challenge and the first six word story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” It was said that Ernest Hemingway told his colleagues that he could make them cry with a story in only 6 words.
The goal of this competition is to encourage students to take on the challenge that using only 6 words to map out a whole story, which will be shared on the web, allowing more students to be inspired by others’ work and to create theirs.
投稿規則How to do it?
參加對象 Who can join?
獎勵方式 Awards
參考範例 Examples
投稿說明Instruction: (點選此網址 https://bit.ly/mdsixwordstories 或者至下方點選『+』投稿)